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Transphotography, or how to look at the other side of an artwork. Marta Fàbregas explores “through” old pictures of marginalized and enslaved women (who had nothing, not even a name or an identity, their identity stolen by their exploiters), in order to achieve a new, carried away universe. And with this new approach, she makes the new feminine dignity trans-visible.

Transphotography is about seeing, beyond these old pictures of women, a different reality, a different depiction of women. It’s about “looking farther than sight” in order to give a new dignity and a new dimension to these women, who were enslaved and abused during their lifetime. With this work, Marta Fàbregas wants to restore the dignity that was snatched from them, thus paying tribute to all women in the world, women that, still today, are forced to live in a society that doesn’t respect them or value them on equal ground with men. [...]

The creative process behind the "Colonized" project:

I started working on my project "Colonized" towards the end of 2016, and the technique I chose is known as "transphotography". As its name suggests, transphotography means through photography. That is, photography is my base or vehicle. And, “through” images (most of them are of unknown authors, many which were found in Internet files). I try to explain, to convey or to address an idea, a concept, an emotion, even a sensation. What I seek is to arouse the observer’s curiosity; to awake his interest, and to make the viewer ask questions; what I want is to create a dialogue with the viewer. Are you colonized? Have you ever been a colonizer? What’s your identity?


Transphotography is a mixed technique that uses simple materials, like watercolor paper, ink, glue and rubber. By manipulating all these materials, I obtain the textures and finishes that characterize my work. Only at the end of this long process I obtain my print, to which I transfer an image fragment, and which will be part of the collage and the final work. [...]

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